Couple’s Communication

The Four Horsemen and Their Antidotes

Special Offer: Four 1-Hour Sessions, Scheduled At Your Convenience, For Couples 18+ Wanting To Improve Their Communication Patterns. Price: $80

Identify Communication Patterns

Couples will recognize the Four Horsemen—Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling—in their interactions, laying the groundwork for meaningful change.

Learn New Skills(Antidotes)

Couples will acquire practical skills to replace these negative patterns with constructive communication strategies that promote understanding and connection.

Restore Trust & Respect

By applying these new skills, couples can rebuild trust and respect, fostering a healthier relationship dynamic and improving the quality of the relationship.

This package includes four one-hour private sessions, specifically designed for couples experiencing mild to moderate distress, and is priced at just $80. It serves as an excellent precursor, adjunct, or refresher to traditional couples counseling by providing practical tools to enhance communication and strengthen relationships.

  • 4 1-Hour Private Sessions Together As A Couple

  • In-Office or Virtual Options Available

  • Limited Time Offer, $80 Due At First Session

  • Sessions Are Scheduled According To Everyone’s Availability

  • Facilitated by Spencer Thorn, Licensed Professional Counselor

To Register Or Learn More, Please Reach Out!


Phone/Text: 740-236-4618