Professional Counseling Services

  1. All services start with an initial free consultation to see if we’d be a good fit.

  2. If we decide that meaningful work can happen together, we’ll go through the fun paperwork and then identify your goals, values, strengths, and challenges.

  3. Together we make a plan to address your goals. This includes the length, frequency, and aim of the sessions.

  4. With both our commitment & follow-through toward a constructive alliance, we make strides toward your goals.

Click here to read my perspective on the who, when and why of counseling.

In addition to Professional Counseling, TCG focuses on building out a thought-provoking collection of free mental health resources for anyone to access. Take a look here!

  • Individual counseling is to help you better navigate life's complexities. This service is to change negative behaviors & habits, update your self-image and beliefs while learning new skills to overcome challenges.

    We understand that psychological health is achieved through cultivating honesty, acceptance, and resilience, not avoidance.

    I have experience helping individuals navigate a broad set of issues including…

    Stress Management, Anger, Relationship/Interpersonal Issues, Grief and Loss, Change/Divorce, Existential Issues, Life Adjustments, Mental and Emotional Wellness, and Personal development.

  • Develop the capacity to see and hear each other with more clarity. Rebuild a sense of mutual respect, say what’s been missing, and move forward with a renewed perspective of each other.

    Some broad issues we may address include…

    Communication Enhancement, Conflict Resolution, Intimacy and Connection, Trust and Betrayal, Roles & Expectations, Family dynamics, Work-Life-Play balance

    Please Note: for couples counseling, 1 person will be designated as the 'client' for note-taking and documentation purposes.

  • Career counseling is designed to meet you where are at in your career development. Oftentimes, relationship issues, distress, or a lack of motivation can be traced back to career issues.

    We offer a range of practical and exploratory career services. Some issues we may address in career counseling include…

    Decision-making skills, Resume Writing, Interviewing Skills, Job Searching, Personality and strengths exploration, values clarification, Communication skills and work-recreation balance.

  • Walk and Talk Therapy offers a unique blend of physical activity and therapeutic conversation, set in the calming backdrop of nature.

    Research shows that engaging in physical movement during therapy can enhance creative thinking, reduce stress, and improve mood.

    In Walk and Talk sessions, we move beyond the traditional office setting, utilizing the relaxed environment of our local area (specific place to meet will be agreed upon before session).

    The natural rhythm of walking can facilitate deeper, more fluid conversations, helping you gain clarity in thinking. By embracing the outdoors, we leverage the benefits of nature and movement to support your personal growth and well-being.

    *Please note that while Walk and Talk Therapy provides numerous benefits, it also involves exposure to weather conditions and physical exertion. By choosing this method, you acknowledge these risks, and together we will strive for a safe and supportive experience.

Have Questions?

Call/Text: 740-236-4618


Please note, that I’m currently only seeing adult clients 18+.

If you are a parent, we can work together on strategies to improve your communication and relationship with your child. This can be discussed during our initial consultation.

The Counseling Guild has a Work Supervision relationship with Alicia Abramski, LPCC-S of Riverside Counseling.

Privacy Policy

Your personal information and data will not be sold or used for purposes other than connecting with The Counseling Guild.

Exceptions to confidentiality in counseling sessions include:

Reports of child or elder abuse

If someone is an imminent physical threat to you or someone else

Consulting with a supervisor for clinical advice

If I am served with a court order signed by a judge