Big Questions for Reflection…

With work, school, chores, kids, family, and technology, it can be easy to slip into a type of ‘slump’, or ‘rut’, or to find ourselves living life on auto-pilot. This may present as irritability, low motivation, or a general angst.

Here are some reflective questions for you to chew on. Oftentimes, spending some thinking power on these deeper questions can generate solutions to our current problems and can aid in getting us ‘unstuck’. Bonus points if you write your thoughts on paper.

The goal is to become more open and real with our perceptions, choices, and relationships.

  • What does it mean to be alive?

  • What are the possibilities that my life presents me with?

  • What is my relationship with myself, with other people, and with the world in general?

  • What are my responsibilities to myself and other people?

  • What do I value and cherish dearly?

  • What is my philosophy on Good & Evil?

  • What is the nature of the anxiety that I experience in my life?

  • What are the assumptions and attributions that underpin my thoughts and actions?

  • What vicious cycles have I found myself in?

  • What are the contradictions, discrepancies, and paradoxes that occur in my everyday life?

  • What is my worldview – the way that I have constructed the story of my life?

  • What is my true potential?

  • What would it be like to choose my own way of living?


Psychological Wisdom


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