How To Find Your Way

If you feel like life has gotten out of control or if you’ve been knocked off of your path, here are some ideas to help you find your way again.

-Master The Fundamentals, and play with the potential. Start by mastering the basics of life and learning, then use that foundation to explore new possibilities, joys, and creative solutions.

-Learn about the wisdom of the ages AND the knowledge of today. Combine timeless wisdom with modern insights to navigate life with a well-rounded understanding. Learn to separate the good and useful ideas from the unhelpful ones.

-Don’t defy your conscious mind. Respect your conscious awareness and intuition as a guide for making decisions that align with your true self. Speak your mind when you are compelled to.

-Find the courage to exist fully in your life. Vulnerability is a prerequisite to flourishing. Embrace vulnerability as essential to living fully and connecting with others, allowing you to grow and thrive.

-Accept that you have blind spots and some level of ignorance. There is always room to increase our understanding. Acknowledge your limitations and strive for continual learning to expand your perspective. 

-Establish for yourself what is Good, True, and Beautiful. Have ideals to aim for. Define your personal values to guide your actions toward a meaningful life.

-Honor the intelligibility of our existence. We can learn about our human nature, emotions, and what it takes to live a life of flourishing. Recognize that life can be understood and that achieving a fulfilling life is indeed possible.



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